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Award Criteria

ISRMUN is a Model United Nations simulation designed to teach, empower, and encourage student leadership within an academic setting. While the conference focuses on creating an enjoyable learning environment where participants engage in discussion and collaborate with others, awards can still be a significant part of a Model UN conference to recognize participants for their effective participation and leadership within the committee. 


At ISRMUN, awards are given to recognize participants who excelled in the following three categories:​

  • Participation: 

    • This criterion seeks to evaluate the participant’s skill in speaking, interaction with other participants, and participation strategy in committee sessions.

    • Participation will be evaluated through active engagement in the moderated and unmoderated caucuses (speakers list, moderated and unmoderated caucuses, resolution paper and crisis). 

    • Participation will also be evaluated based on a participant’s ability to enrich the debate, push the committee toward creative solutions, and contribute to the overall outcomes of the committee.

  • Skill:

    • This criterion seeks to evaluate the participant’s ability to speak with eloquence and conviction in committee sessions, to work well alongside other participants during the moderated and unmoderated caucuses, and to maneuver and lead the committee through its discussion of the topics at hand. 

    • Skill will not be evaluated solely on knowledge and fluency in Model UN parliamentary procedure but also in public speaking, teamwork, and resolution writing skills.

  • Leadership:

    • This criterion evaluates the participant’s ability to work alongside other committee members and contribute to the debate's general course.

    • Participants who push others to speak and perform well, support their peers' initiatives and goals, and can effectively communicate and interact in a group setting alongside fellow participants. 

    • This criterion seeks to reward participants who can effectively promote their initiatives while also serving as leaders in their committee who can teach and inspire others to participate and thrive. 

Punctuality, adherence to the dress code, and conduct are also considered. The categories are the Award of Excellence, the Award of Distinction, and the Award of Merit.

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Participants in regular committees who do not submit a position paper by Monday, November 18th at 8:00 pm CST will not be eligible for an award. 

Dress Code

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At ISRMUN, participants should wear formal, professional clothing that reflects a diplomatic setting. 
Professional business attire is a formal jacket/sweater, dress shirt, tie, slacks/skirt/dress, and dress shoes. Professional dress expectations require that dresses and skirts be knee-length. Participants should be dressed in professional business attire that reflects their self-identified gender.
If clothing is deemed inappropriate by the ISRMUN Secretariat and advisors, participants may be asked to leave the session and return with appropriate attire.
Clothing considered inappropriate or too casual includes hoodies, graphic t-shirts, leggings, tank tops, crop tops, shorts, sundresses/other casual dresses, baseball caps, jeans, sandals, sneakers or tennis shoes, athletic wear, and sunglasses. Clothing that exposes excessive bare skin, shows undergarments, or is otherwise revealing is strictly prohibited. 
Questions or concerns about the dress code can be sent to the Secretariat at

Parliamentary Procedure & Preparation

Position Papers

Preparation is essential to a successful ISRMUN simulation. Each committee features background papers to introduce and familiarize participants with the topics discussed in the committees. All delegates participating in a regular committee must research and write a position paper about their assigned topic. All position papers should include a list of sources used written in APA or MLA format. All delegates must submit their position paper to the ISRMUN website. Please see the individual committee pages for more information. Delegations that do not submit a position paper will be ineligible for awards. 

Note: Participants in crisis or specialized committees are not required to compose/submit a position position.



ISRMUN utilizes specific rules of procedure to promote a fair and orderly debate. These rules provide participants with an outlet to discuss topics in a structured manner, allowing them to reach agreements and encourage collaboration. It should be noted that ISRMUN uses the United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA) protocol. These rules of procedure are commonly used in simulations across the Americas with some variation. Therefore, we encourage participants to familiarize themselves with the protocol used during ISRMUN.

All Videos
ISRMUN | Crisis Committee Protocol
ISRMUN 2021 | JWC Committee Protocol
ISRMUN 2019 | ICC Protocol Video

Rules and Regulations

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Conduct Expectations

ISRMUN aims to create a positive and safe learning environment for all participants. These guidelines are provided to help establish clear expectations.


  • Treat all participants with the highest level of courtesy and respect at all times.

  • All participants must wear their identification badges at all times. 

  • Eating, drinking or chewing gum is not permitted during the committee sessions. Snacks and dinners can be consumed in designated areas around the school facilities. 

  • English must be spoken at all times during the committee and fun sessions.

  • Follow the Dress Code while attending the simulation.

  • Participants who exhibit rude, aggressive or disruptive behaviour during the sessions will receive a warning. If the behaviour continues, they will be asked to leave the simulation.

  • Participants can use electronic devices (tablets or laptops) during the Unmoderated Caucuses. However, disruptive use of these devices will not be tolerated. Mobile phones are strictly prohibited during committee sessions. 

  • Participants cannot exit the conference early without a pass issued by the Secretariat. Advisors and chaperones should contact the Secretariat at to authorize early dismissals. 

Questions or concerns about the simulation's conduct expectations can be sent to the Secretariat at

© 2024 by NAE Model United Nations | México

San Roberto International School

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